Concrete-Look Tiles

From worn edges to textures of industrial tooling, aggregate styles to contemporary patterns and soft minimalist surfaces, Concrete looks aren’t just for commercial spaces anymore. Whether your style is cottage or luxury-maximalism, concrete-effect tiles are a wonderful addition to any design aesthetic.




Showing 51–100 of 190 results

Chicago by Landmark

City by Casalgrande

Classica by Magica

Clorofilla by Fioranese

Clorofilla Slabs by Fioranese

Concrete by Fioranese

Confetti by Quintessenza

Cosmo by 41zero42

Cotto by Fragmenti

Crackle by Cinca

Crayons by Settecento

Cromia26 by Quintessenza

Crush by Leonardo

Custom Mosaics by Encore

Dakota by Sonoma Tilemakers

Dash by Nemo

Deco Field by Encore Ceramics

Deco World by Landmark

Deco XL by Landmark

Dot by Fioranese

Dot by Fioranese

Dresscode by Settecento

Dresscode by Settecento

Earth by Adex

Elevenuance by Tonalite

Elite by Landmark

Endless by Leonardo

Endless by Leonardo

Exanuance by Tonalite

Fes by Colli

Floor by Adex

Frame by Landmark

Frammenta by Fioranese

Fusion by Portobello

Futura by 41zero42

Genesi by Quintessenza

Geomat by Tonalite

Ghiaia by Fioranese

Ghiaia Slabs by Fioranese

Glazed Herringbone Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Hexagon Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Pennyround Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Stack Mosaics by Nemo

Glazes by Encore

Glim by Fap

Glitch by Piemme

Grained by Terratinta

Hamptons by Settecento

Handmold Tile by Seneca

Heritage by Fioranese

Hexa by Terratinta

Homey by Piemme

Hops by 41zero42

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