
From worn edges to textures of industrial tooling, aggregate styles to contemporary patterns and soft minimalist surfaces, Concrete looks aren’t just for commercial spaces anymore. Whether your style is cottage or luxury-maximalism, concrete-effect tiles are a wonderful addition to any design aesthetic.




Showing 1–50 of 54 results

Ceramic flooring with accent lines for design

Afromosia by Coem

An office entrance with mismatched flooring for aesthetic

Allure by Italgraniti

Architecture by Casalgrande

Architecture by Casalgrande

Dark brown floor tiles adding warmth to an open floor plan

Basaltina by Casalgrande

BioAttitude by Lea

Biscuit by 41zero42

Blox by Imola

Boston by Fap

Cementine Boho by Fioranese

City by Casalgrande

Concrete by Fioranese

Cosmo by 41zero42

Elevenuance by Tonalite

Elisir Royal by Marca Corona

Exanuance by Tonalite

Extragres 2.0 by Casalgrande

Extragres 2.0 by Casalgrande

Frammenta by Fioranese

Genesi by Sartoria

Geomat by Tonalite

Glitch by Piemme

Grained by Terratinta

Homey by Piemme

Industrial by Florim

Kuni by Imola floor retile design.

Kuni by Imola

Legnetti by Quintessenza

Liquida by Fioranese

Logica by Quintessenza

Mate by 41zero42

Materia by Piemme

Matiere by Settecento

Matter by Settecento

Metaline by Italgraniti

Minima 8.6 by Quintessenza

Newood by Casalgrande

Nuance by Tonalite

Oltre by Quintessenza

One by 41zero42

Open by Italgraniti

Overclay by Marca Corona

Overcome by Leonardo

Parade by Imola

Passepartout by Fioranese

R-Evolution by Casalgrande

Rooy by Fap

Savage Wood by Abitare

Shades by Piemme

Square by Italgraniti

Technic by Casalgrande

Terre by Italgraniti

Trapez by Tonalite

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