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Glazed Porcelain is among the most refined and avant-garde ceramic products around today, and is widely used in both residential and light commercial applications.
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Glazed Porcelain is made from the finest raw materials, which are pressed and fired at high temperatures to create a unique product known for its aesthetics and technical performance. In fact, unlike traditional ceramic tiles, Glazed porcelain does not have a heterogeneous structure: therefore, it is harder, more compact and completely unabsorbent, and therefore is resistant to frost, shocks, chemicals and it is easy to clean. A unique material, for those who want quality without compromise.The best looking products have never been so accessible.
Come for the gorgeous tiles, stay for the amazing customer service! Tile X Design showrooms are personally curated to spark your creativity and encourage playful exploration. Our friendly staff will take care of your needs all in one place with their rich and unique professional approach that is truly different from other tile stores.