Special Order US (7-12wks)

Typical lead times: 12 weeks or less
Some products vary, always confirm current lead times with your TXD Rep.




Showing 1–50 of 59 results

Arabesque by Artaic

Aurora by New Ravenna

Aziza by Nemo

Baba Chic by Country Floors

Bluestone by Landmark

Brick World by Landmark

Bright Young Things by New Ravenna

Brooklyn by Landmark

CH19 European Countryside

Color Market by Portobello

Country Wood by Casalgrande

Custom Mosaics by Encore

Deco Field by Encore Ceramics

Earth by Adex

Elite by Landmark

Euphoria by Sonoma Tilemakers

Explore by Landmark

Feeling by Landmark

Floor by Adex

Flourish by Artaic

Foundation by Artaic

Frontier20 by Landmark

Glazes by Encore

Habitat by Adex

Hampton by Adex

Handmold Tile by Seneca

Glass tile for kitchen backsplash design.

Huron by American Glass Mosaics

Journey by Landmark

Lasting Rugs by Artaic

Levante by Adex

Made.In by Landmark

Maximalista by Sartoria

Miraflores by New Ravenna

Moresque by Country Floors

Mosaics by Adex

Mosaics by Coverall Stone

Mosaics by Toemi

Naturally Refined by Artaic

Neri by Adex

Ocean by Adex

Resalvage by Artaic

Ro by Sonoma

Semplice by New Ravenna

Silk Road by New Ravenna

Sister Parish by Country Floors

Soul by Landmark

Sound of Marbles by Fioranese

Spec09 by Jeffrey Court

Splash by Artaic

Standard Field by Encore Ceramics

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