Concrete-Look Tiles

From worn edges to textures of industrial tooling, aggregate styles to contemporary patterns and soft minimalist surfaces, Concrete looks aren’t just for commercial spaces anymore. Whether your style is cottage or luxury-maximalism, concrete-effect tiles are a wonderful addition to any design aesthetic.




Showing 1–50 of 57 results

Afromosia by Coem

Lea Ceramiche collection.

Anthology by Lea

Autentica by Fioranese

Blox by Imola

Bluestone by Landmark

Boston by Fap

Brickwork by Cinca

Cementine Open Air by Fioranese

Cementine Retro by Fioranese

CH19 European Countryside

City by Casalgrande

Cocoon by Lafaenza

Cotto by Fragmenti

Dorset by Italgraniti

Ego by Provenza

Era by Casalgrande

Essence by Landmark

Explore by Landmark

Extragres 2.0 by Casalgrande

Extragres 2.0 by Casalgrande

Frammenta by Fioranese

Frontier20 by Landmark

Fusion by Portobello

Glitch by Piemme

Granum by Fioranese

Handmold Tile by Seneca

Heritage by Fioranese

Hub by Mirage

I Cementi by Italgraniti

I Variegati by Fioranese

Industrial by Florim

La Terrazza by Sonoma Tilemakers

Lagos by Coem

Les Bois by Kronos

Limestone by Tuscania

Loop by Agrob Buchtal

Madre Natura by Coem

Masterpiece by Lea

Materia by Piemme

Mea Lapis by Coem

Metaline by Italgraniti

Morgana by Leonardo

Mosaics by Coverall Stone

Mosaics by Toemi

Nordic Stone by Italgraniti

Open by Italgraniti

Party by Lafaenza

Pietra Bauge by Casalgrande

Pure by Sonoma Tilemakers

Reverso by Coem

Reverso2 by Coem

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