
Undulating surfaces or dimensional features, rough edges, or textured surfaces are things that come to mind when we’re talking Artisan-Look Tile, but this robust tile category goes so much further! From seashells to the quintessential 3×12″ subway, add some character to your space at a fraction of the cost of authentic handmade tile.




Showing 1–50 of 218 results

*New* Minima 8.6 by Quintessenza

A top down view of pale white stone tiles flooring a kitchen

65Parallelo by Leonardo

Alos by Richards & Sterling

Lea Ceramiche collection.

Anthology by Lea

Antique Tile by Country Floors

Ara by Nemo

Ara by Nemo

Arrow by Tonalite

Aster by Nemo

Atelier Combed by Landmark

Attitude by Leonardo

Autentica by Fioranese

Aziza by Nemo

Bluestone by Landmark

Bon Bon by Decoratori Bassanesi

Brick by Fioranese

Brickwork by Cinca

Brickworks by Casalgrande

Cape Cod by Nemo

Casablanca 2.0 by Nemo

Casablanca by Nemo

Cementine Boho by Fioranese

Cementine Cocci by Fioranese

Cementine Evo by Fioranese

Cementine Retro by Fioranese

Cementine Shiny by Fioranese

Cementine20 by Fioranese

CementineB&W by Fioranese

Cement floor tile in living room space.

Cemento by Casalgrande

CH10 Eternal by Jeffrey Court

CH11 Align by Jeffrey Court

CH15 Classic Statuario by Jeffrey Court

Jeffrey Court - marble look tile.

CH16 Park Place by Jeffrey Court

CH18 Rotunda by Jeffrey Court

CH19 European Countryside

CH5 Modern Mixer by Jeffrey Court

CH6 Reef Glass by Jeffrey Court

CH7 Cubist By Jeffrey Court

CH7 Cubist by Jeffrey Court

CH8 Europa Arte by Jeffrey Court

CH9 Arroyo by Jeffrey Court

Charm Experience by Italgraniti

Charme Evo by Landmark

Chelsea by Settecento

City by Casalgrande

Classica by Magica

Cocoon by Lafaenza

Color Market by Portobello

Cosmo by 41zero42

Cotto by Fragmenti

Couture by Lafaenza

Crayons by Settecento

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