
From raised reliefs to flat graphics, from tartans to abstract visuals, our Textile tile options are a great way to bring dimensionality and visual movement into your designs.




Showing all 41 results

Arabesque by Artaic

Attitude by Leonardo

Cementine Retro by Fioranese

CH10 Eternal by Jeffrey Court

CH5 Modern Mixer by Jeffrey Court

CH8 Europa Arte by Jeffrey Court

Cocoon by Lafaenza

Concrete by Fioranese

Confetti by Quintessenza

Elite by Landmark

Endless by Leonardo

Endless by Leonardo

Extragres 2.0 by Casalgrande

Extragres 2.0 by Casalgrande

Frammenta by Fioranese

Fusion by Portobello

Ghiaia by Fioranese

Ghiaia Slabs by Fioranese

Glim by Fap

Homey by Piemme

I Cementi by Italgraniti

La Terrazza by Sonoma Tilemakers

Lagos by Coem

Les Bois by Kronos

Macro by Casalgrande

Marmorea Intensa by Fioranese

Masterpiece by Lea

Materia by Piemme

Miraflores by New Ravenna

Morgana by Leonardo

Overcome by Leonardo

Parade by Imola

Semplice by New Ravenna

Shades by Piemme

Side Stone by Lea

Silk Road by New Ravenna

Silvergrain by Italgraniti

Soul by Landmark

Terrazzo by Casalgrande

Terrazzo by Coem

Tisse by New Ravenna

Trove by New Ravenna

Venetian Marble by Piemme

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