
Provenza adds nobility to the most exclusive architectural interiors with exquisite coverings where every tiniest detail is perfect.

With a strong creative and sometimes artistic flair, it fulfils its mission through the finest hand-workmanship. A brand that focuses mainly on the details of its products, because extreme, painstaking care over these aspects is the heart of its exclusive, luxury status.
Provenza is part of the Emil Ceramica Group.

Showing all 27 results

*New* Minima 8.6 by Quintessenza

3Lati by Quintessenza

Atelier by Landmark

Atelier Combed by Landmark

Bluestone by Landmark

Brick World by Landmark

Cocoon by Lafaenza

Confetti by Quintessenza

Couture by Lafaenza

Crea-La by LaFaenza

Deco World by Landmark

Deco XL by Landmark

Ego by Provenza

Explore by Landmark

Genesi by Quintessenza

Marea by Quintessenza

Masterplan by Landmark

Modulo by Quintessenza

Party by Lafaenza

Pigmento by Quintessenza

Riquadri by Quintessenza

Sfumature by Quintessenza

Soul by Landmark

Tinte by Quintessenza

Varana Stone by Provenza

Vis by Lafaenza

Vision Color by Landmark

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