Richards & Sterling

Started in 1985 with a desire to bring a unique selection of Tile & Stone products to the West Coast, RICHARDS & STERLING continues to evolve as a high value provider of premium imported Natural Stone from Mediterranean countries. Many of their products are stocked in the US, making them a reliable and affordable natural stone resource.

Showing all 18 results

Abacus by Settecento

Chelsea by Settecento

Color Market by Portobello

Crayons by Settecento

Dresscode by Settecento

Dresscode by Settecento

Gouache by Portobello

Hamptons by Settecento

Handmold Tile by Seneca

White hexagonal kitchen tile backsplash

Karma by Settecento

Lava by Richards & Sterling

Lycian Stella by Richards & Sterling

New Yorker by Settecento

Pulse by Settecento

Sandwaves by Portobello

Sketches by Settecento

Verre by Portobello

Vintage by Settecento

Wood Design by Settecento

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