
“The environment in which we live is the essence of our business. We believe that design is the competence that makes us unique and innovative. It transforms peoples’ lives and expresses in our products, environments, and experiences with our brand.”

Established in 1979, Brazilian tile manufacturer Portobello has since become a world-wide innovator and creator of sustainable surfacing products.

Showing all 27 results

Sink with a white and grey tile backsplash

Abstract by Nemo

Ara by Nemo

Ara by Nemo

Aster by Nemo

Aziza by Nemo

Cape Cod by Nemo

Casablanca 2.0 by Nemo

Casablanca by Nemo

Cocoon by Lafaenza

Couture by Lafaenza

Dash by Nemo

Fusion by Portobello

Glazed Herringbone Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Hexagon Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Pennyround Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Stack Mosaics by Nemo

Glitch by Piemme

Homey by Piemme

Ibla by Piemme

Materia by Piemme

Party by Lafaenza

Purestone by Piemme

Reef by Nemo

Sandwaves by Portobello

Shades by Piemme

Stone Mosaics by Nemo

Venetian Marble by Piemme

Vis by Lafaenza

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