
Mirage is a guarantee of stability and reliability, ensured by solid experience that has marked milestones in the development of porcelain stoneware. Thorough knowledge of materials, combined with hard work in research and development, has allowed Mirage to offer ever-more innovative solutions synonymous with reliability and quality.

Mirage is a brand in the Atlas Concorde Group.

Showing all 16 results

An office entrance with mismatched flooring for aesthetic

Allure by Italgraniti

Alnus by Italgraniti

Alnus by Italgraniti

Boston by Fap

Charm Experience by Italgraniti

Dorset by Italgraniti

Glim by Fap

Hub by Mirage

I Cementi by Italgraniti

I Travertini by Italgraniti

Lux Experience by Italgraniti

Marble Experience by Italgraniti

Nordic Stone by Italgraniti

Contrasting black, gray, and white tiles make a bright room POP

Shale by Italgraniti

Silvergrain by Italgraniti

Supreme by Casalgrande

Terre by Italgraniti

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