
Since 1962, Ceramiche Piemme has played a starring role in the world of fine Italian production. Today the company is nearing the milestone of its first 60 years and has great plans for the future, without forgetting the wonderful events that have marked the various phases of its history.

Relying on people, technology and state-of-the-art processes, we strive to confirm our role as a company that creates and distributes fine Italian products which stand out for their quality, style, design and are designed to offer innovative solutions in terms of aesthetics and design, in line with environmental respect.

Showing all 22 results

Abacus by Settecento

Chelsea by Settecento

Crayons by Settecento

Dresscode by Settecento

Dresscode by Settecento

Earth by Adex

Floor by Adex

Habitat by Adex

Hampton by Adex

Hamptons by Settecento

Homey by Piemme

Ibla by Piemme

White hexagonal kitchen tile backsplash

Karma by Settecento

Levante by Adex

Mosaics by Adex

New Yorker by Settecento

Pulse by Settecento

Purestone by Piemme

Shades by Piemme

Sketches by Settecento

Studio by Adex

Vintage by Settecento

Wood Design by Settecento

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