
CINCA – Companhia Industrial Ceramica, SA, is headquartered in Fiães, a county of Santa Maria da Feira in Portugal. More than 50 years of knowledge and experience passed through generations, from the pioneers to a young and dynamic technical team allow Cinca an incomparable control of techniques and ceramic solutions.

For many years CINCA has been maintaining an ongoing presence in the main markets of ceramic products throughout the world, understanding each market’s requirements and always offering adequate answers to their needs. Present in more than 70 countries of the 5 continents.

Showing all 28 results

Sink with a white and grey tile backsplash

Abstract by Nemo

Aster by Nemo

Aziza by Nemo

Brickwork by Cinca

Cape Cod by Nemo

Casablanca 2.0 by Nemo

Casablanca by Nemo

Crystal by Coem

Dash by Nemo

Fusion by Nemo.

Fusion by Nemo

Glazed Herringbone Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Hexagon Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Pennyround Mosaics by Nemo

Glazed Stack Mosaics by Nemo

Glim by Fap

Lagos by Coem

Lumina by Fap

Lumina Sand Art by Fap

Lumina Stone by Fap

Madre Natura by Coem

Mea Lapis by Coem

Reef by Nemo

Reverso by Coem

Reverso2 by Coem

Sciliar by Coem

Soapstone by Coem

Stone Mosaics by Nemo

Terrazzo by Coem

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